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Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:47 am

The YUMYUM Competition or YY comp for short is a competition that's going to be held every fortnight on Mondays.
There will be a different theme each time for every competition.
There will be 3 stages with each competition, whoever gets the most points will win the competition.
The competition will be held in a duration of about 3-5 days depending on the stages.
If you come first in the competition you'll be awarded 100 YUM-ie Points.
If you come second you'll be awarded 50 YUM-ie Points
If you come third you'll be awarded 30 YUM-ie Points
And 10 YUM-ie points for participation.
The YUM-ie Points can be spend at the YUM-ie points shop.
You can request the theme for the comps in the request thread here.

Please participate and try your best ^^
The first comp will start the coming Monday, which is 8th of June.
Note: you need to sign up before the comp starts, to sign up simply send us an email to let us know or leave a comment here.
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Join date : 2009-05-22
Location : Australia


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