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The Horror School

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The Horror School Empty The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 9:12 am


People who goes to this school are disappearing one by one. Legends says that this school is cursed by some evil spirit. Enroll at this school and unfold the mystery.
Enroll now by creating a new character! ^^

Creating the Characters:

Special Power:

Okay, I'll create my character

Name: CHIP
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Special Power: Teleport

And i'll Start the RP now:

As i walked through the front gates i was thinking to myself "what a creepy school." All i saw was black and grey, the sun didn't even shine anywhere near the school! But i had no choice this was the nearest school to my new house.
But what i didn't know was that, it was fate which brought me here.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 9:25 am

Name: POP
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Special Power: Reading Minds

I just transfered into this school and this school is seriously creeping me out, it looks so scary. I want to go back to my old school! As I was walking down the hallway, I saw someone walking by. I looked at her and she looked back at me. And I sensed something from her, like she has some power like me, then I started using my special powers, she was thinking, "She looks familiar and I can sense her have some power like me..."
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 9:31 am

Just before we walked past each other, another person came out of the dark corridor. In my opinion he looked more or less vampire like.....
"Ah, hello ladies." he said. "so, your the new students who are transferring here? I am the principle of this school. Please follow me."
He lead us through a never ending long corridor and finally stopped in front of a door which was about twice my height.

Last edited by ChocoCHIP-nyan on Mon May 25, 2009 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 9:40 am

We entered the room and inside was as scary as anywhere in the school. Practically everywhere in the school is scary and creepy. But at the moment, it wasn't the time to care about it. The vampire looking person was actually the principal of the school. Totally made me shocked when I heard that. I thought he was a cleaner or something, doesn't look like a teacher or a principal to me. Well, when we went into the room, he was just telling us basic stuff about the series like the rules and etc.
Afterwards, he took us to our classroom. There were many students there.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 9:46 am

When we entered the classroom, i felt a a cold gush of wind blow behind my back, i turned around but saw nothing there, but i was sure something just went past, must be my imagination then i thought.
I looked at all the student, they all had very pale skin....probably because from the lack of sun here? They were all very skinny too, you could practically see their skulls. Maybe they don't feed them much in this school...i hope i don't turn like that.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 9:55 am

Everyone looked very scary. Why the hell is this school so scary? I think I and this girl here next to me are the only ones that LOOK normal. Or are we gonna be like that soon? Then, the teacher gave me a seat, I was at the back and the other new girl is seated next to me.
The lesson was very boring. I didn't listen much to the teacher, she was practically talking crap, all the stuff she's trying to teach is so easy and I learnt it before. It seemed like the same to the girl next to me. I wanted to start talking but just in case the teacher gets us. Soon, the bell rang, it was recess, I wanted to talk to her.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 10:04 am

Just as i went out of the door, the girl which i met this morning stopped me. She asked me if i wanted to have recess with her. She seemed nice, and...the only normal one in here so i said yes.
We found a spot under the tree and sat down.
"So, where are you from?" she asked.
"That place south of here, the one near the river." I said
"Oh, that one? There was a flood recently wasn't there?"
Yeah...it was horrible, that's why we had to move here. But it was only our house that got destroyed..."

There was a long pause.

"Ya know? It's funny...coz the place i was from....there was an earthquake and all, and it was also only my house that was ruined. D'ya think it might only be a coincident?" she asked.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 10:13 am

There was another long pause. And then I started...

"You can sense it too right? I know you have special powers like I do." I said.
She smiled and said, "Yea, I sensed something but I wasn't too sure. But...Why are you so sure I really do have special powers?" She asked me.
I smiled and said, "Because...my special power is... Reading Minds."
"Oh really? That's cool! Well, my special power is teleporting." She replied.
"I guess it's fate that we both had a hazard at where we live and it's fate that bought both of us here." I said.
"I wonder if there's anyone else here like us." She said.
"Maybe? No idea. But everyone seems to be very.... abnormal." I said.
Then the bell rang.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 10:21 am

"We better get going, or we'll be late." i said
"Yeah, we have....biology now right?" She asked
"Hmm.. I wonder what the teacher will be like..."

We entered the classroom, there were alot of skulls and skeletons along the wall.
I closed my eyes and prayed that they were not real, because from every angle they look quite real to me.
I think POP kinda guessed what was on my mind.
"Scary aye?" she said
All i could manage was a small nod because i was so creeped out.
We took our seats at the back and took out our text book.
The silence was deafening in the room, as we waited for the teacher to come.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 10:31 am

The teacher didn't come in like...half an hour? And there was a new student behind her. She seemed a little shy to me. And the teacher started to introduce us to her.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocolateHOLIC-San Mon May 25, 2009 11:05 am

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Special Power: Speed

First day at school and already i feel like running away. As i step into the classroom the first thing i see are these skeletons all layed along the walls, the other thing that caught my attention were the students at this school, they all looked somewhat the same, the same pale white skin, dark circles under their eyes, they looked as if they haven't slept in decades. The only students that actually look human were the 2 girls who sat together silently.
"Hi my name is HOLIC pleased to meet you all"
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  YumCHA-chan Mon May 25, 2009 12:07 pm

Name: CHA
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Speical Power: Unlimited hearing

"These are the new students...hi my name is holic...ok today we're going to talk about..."
OMG IS SOO ANNOYING! IS SOOO NOISY AND I CAN'T SLEEP. "Cha?? Is Cha absent??" O SH*T HE'S MARKING THE ROLE! HERE! As I just relized I was still sitting on my bed, with messy hair and looked at the clock...OMG I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL AGAIN!!!
I got dressed up, packed my bag and ran out of my house as quickly as I can. OMG THE TEACHER HAD STARTED THE LESSON ALREADY!!!! When I had just ran passed the supermarket next to me, and I will take me about 15 mins to get to the school...THE LESSON WILL BE FINISHED BY THEN!
*15 mins later*
Finally....as I steped into the classroom..I could se ethe teacher's creepy face as he walked near me. "WHY ARE YOU LATE CHA! I'M SOO GONNA KILL YOU! MWAHAHAHA!" " Oh sorry I'm late but I have already dropped down all the notes as I'm coming to school"
I walked to my sit and saw 3 normal girls sitting behind me. " Hi so you guys are the new students POP, CHIP and HOLIC! Nice to meet you I'm CHA!"
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Mon May 25, 2009 3:48 pm

We all greeted CHA hello. she looked a bit more normal than the rest of our classmates and she seemed quite friendly.
"Okay, CHA take you seat class is starting." the teacher said.
"Today, we'll be seeing whats inside a frogs body. So, I'll hand a frog to all of you now and i want you to cut it open and see whats inside, take it out if you need a better look."
She started handing out frogs to all of us, i received mine and it was pretty mush alive....
The other classmates seemed delighted about this experiment, but all i wanted to do was puke.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Tue May 26, 2009 9:15 am

As the teacher was handing out the frogs, I was about to puke, they don't just look ugly and are they even dead? I can see that frog moving!
When we went to the bench and the teacher explained how to cut open the frog, my hands were shaking, it's like killing an ALIVE frog open. I closed my eyes and went *CHOP* I sliced open the frog and then I stared at it for a while. I can still see the organs from inside moving, it was really disgusting. CHIP was beside me, I looked at her, she hasn't even sliced open the frog yet, she looked really scared, even scared than me. She was shaking like crazy.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Tue May 26, 2009 9:30 am

As i picked up the knife i could feel cold sweat drop down the back of my neck. My hands were shivering as i moved closer to the still twitching frog.
I looked up around me, everyone was doing a fine job even POP who looked slightly scared.
I looked down at my own frog once again and moved my knife closer, i closed my eyes and sliced!
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocolateHOLIC-San Tue May 26, 2009 12:57 pm

I was sitting there watching the other students slice their merely alive frogs in half, i couldn't move, it felt like all my nerves and muscles had disconnected from my brain.

"HOLIC! why haven't you started yet? everyones nearly done! hurry up and get a move on! we don't have all day!"

I lifted the frog and quickly hid it behind my bag.
The teacher turned and walked to my table
"HOLIC! where's your frog???" the teacher hissed
"It leaped off the table and headed for the door"

The teacher turned away in disgust.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 8:18 am

I looked around at everyone. It was very weird. All the vampire-looking people are like...happily cutting their frogs with a bright smile on the their face. Well not BRIGHT but better than normally they are?
And on the other hand, we as in Me, Chip, Holic and Cha seems to be more afraid of this experiment, I mean cutting open an alive frog! What the heck is wrong with this school! I'm going to go crazy soon!!!
I seriously can't stand doing this lame experiment. I went up to the teacher and said, "Miss! I feel a little sick, can I please go to the toilet or the sickbay?" The teacher didn't look very happy about it and then replied, "Go! Take someone with you since you're new here!"
Since I saw Chip looking so scared, I asked her to come with me. When she heard it, she felt much better.
So, we walked out the door and we then felt a gust of wind blowing into us.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 8:28 am

As we stepped out of the classroom the floorboards started to creek, the corridor was so dark that we could hardly see whats in front of us.
One minute passed, 2.....3......We still wasn't there yet!
Is the bathroom just too far away or are we lost!?
I turned my head and looked at POP, she looked really scared.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"C-can't you hear? F-foot steps, b-behind........" She replied
"Whaa.......?" I started to ask.
Then i turned around, my mouth dropped opened.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 9:02 am

I and Chip heard footsteps from behind, we got really scared and Chip turned around. I can see her jaws dropping! Then, I slowly turned around. PHEW! It was only the principle! We're safe then!
"What are you girls doing here?" He asked.
"We wanted to go to the toilet but we kinda got lost, can you please lead us there?" I asked.
"Sure!" He replied.
Then he lead us the way. It seemed to be taking ages just to get to the toilet.
After like.......20 minutes or something, we FINALLY arrived there. But something was weird, I see no toliet or sickbay. Where IS he taking us to. I felt that he was suspicious and then started to read his mind. But nothing was going on his head. But I can sense something bad going to happen!
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 9:18 am

He took us through a heavy looking door, stopped in his tracks and turned to face us. He face looked.....less humanly then it was before if that's even possible, but he was kind of changing, into something i don't even know how to describe.
He opened his mouth and his fangs started to grow, he moved towards POP and placed his head on her shoulder, then his fangs disappeared into her neck. She instantly fell back onto the cold, hard ground, her eyes closed....
I was so shocked that i couldn't move, he was coming closer to me, but my feet were stuck to the ground.
I felt his bloody fangs sink into my neck, an instant pain hit my heart.
The all i saw was darkness...............
An empty thud was all i heard as i fell into what seemed like eternal sleep.......

Last edited by ChocoCHIP-nyan on Wed May 27, 2009 9:49 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 9:35 am

I opened my eyes, they were blury and then later my vision turned back to normal. I tried to move up but I had no energy. I felt really tired. Then I saw Chip next to me. I called her and she woke up. It was the same for her, she has no energy left too.
Then we looked around us. We were in a small room. From a short distance away, I can see that there's a lock on the door. Just then I remembered that lots people have been saying that many people from this school has been missing. In my mind right now are lots of thoughts.
"Chip, you know how everyone doesn't look like a human? Do you think everyone's blood was sucked by the principle so they're like that now?" I asked wondering...
"Maybe?!" She replied.
"Does that mean we're vampires now?!?!" I said in shock.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 9:43 am

"Wait, calm down. These kind of things only happen in stories! They can't be true can they? I mean, maybe the principle wasn't even a vampire." I said
"Yeah i guess your right, I shouldn't scare myself." POP replied.

I could hear the sound of keys, someone was coming in.
The door opened and standing there was the principle!
Me and POP tried to move backwards but the wall was there to stop us.
He opened his mouth and started to speak, "Hello girls, i was walking by the corridor and the two of you just fainted, scared me so much i didn't know what to do.
So i decided to bring you here so you two can have a rest and keep away from the crowd.
Here let me walk the two of you back to your dorm rooms."
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  lolliPOP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 10:00 am

It feels quite suspicious but it wasn't the time to care. I just want to go back to my dorm room. For some reason, our energy came back but not completely. Me and Chip walked back to our dorms. And amazingly, we actually live in the same dorm. I didn't even know. When we went back to our dorms, we still felt quite tired so we decided to have a sleep.
When I woke up, I flashed back what happened. Then I told myself...."It was a dream!"
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocoCHIP-nyan Wed May 27, 2009 10:10 am

I opened my eyes everything was darker and gloomier then usual. I even felt darker.
Was it because i've been in this school for too long? Was i turning into one of "them"?
I saw something move and turned to look. It was POP she was awake too.
I wanted to know, did she have the same dream too, was it even a dream?
Must be, i told myself. I mean there's no way something like this could happen....it just seems so unreal.
POP must be thinking along the same line, her eyes showed me that she was just as confused as i was.

Loud bangs could be heard at our door. "IT'S US, HOLIC AND CHA!" they said
"come in" i said softly.
The door opened and HOLIC and CHA slipped into our dorm.
"Where were you guys today! You never came back to class! We were so worried!" They echoed together.

I looked at POP and she looked back at me, during those few seconds that our eyes met we decided not to tell them what happened, or.....what we dreamed.
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The Horror School Empty Re: The Horror School

Post  ChocolateHOLIC-San Wed May 27, 2009 10:56 am

Something isn't right.... POP and CHIP don't look the same as they did when i met them, they look so... pale... thin... and... vampire like.... Something must have happened to them, but if they don't want to discuss it with us, im sure we'll all understand that, but im determined to find out more about this school!
I still need to explore the back building and the restricted area!

"Hey guy's im gonna go out for walk, POP and CHIP i hope you 2 get well soon... you guys look very pale and..." i stopped myself before i could say anymore and i quickly opened the door and closed it quietly behind me.

The gardens were beautiful... the fresh breeze blowing gently against my face... the beautiful pond and the lovely green grass... this looked like a perfect place for my frog friend!

"Here you go... a lovely garden area for you to live in! i'll come back and visit you, well... that is if your still here of course..."

I carefully put her on the ground (the frog is a female) and she slowly dived into the pond.

"HEY!!!!! HOLIC! who were you talking to in the gardens?" CHA asked while running towards me.

"Nobody really" I replied

"HEY! POP, CHIP and CHA! u guy's up for some exploring?"

"Sure, but explore where?" they all asked

"Well, for now we explore the back building and tonight we'll sneak inside the restricted area, how does that sound?"

"count me in!" they all replied
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